Taking Care Of Pets On Moving Day


Pet Care

Pets are creatures of habit, so it can be stressful for them to adjust to a new environment, especially when they are happy and relaxed in their old home.

Moving to a new home can be both exciting and overwhelming, and you have to take care of each family member, including your pets. If you ignore your pet while you’re busy moving, packing, and unpacking, the pet can fall into anxiety or depression and show behavioural changes.

There are some tips that you need to take care of before, during, and after the move so that your pet is embracing the new environment as happily as possible.

Below is a checklist that you need to tick when you move houses.

House Movers Adelaide

Take Your Pet to The Vet

Visit your regular veterinary doctor and collect medical prescriptions and medical records of your pet. Keep them handy and also check whether your pet is up to date in vaccinations.

If you feel like your pet gets anxious when travelling, you can carry anti-anxiety meds and sickness medication with you.

At your new place, keep the contact details of the new veterinary doctor and their address. It will be handy if there is an emergency.

Find a Pet Sitter if Possible

On a moving day, you have to deal with packers and instruct them where to put the boxes, etc. It can be hard for you to take care of your pet while you are busy dealing with packing or unpacking.

So find someone who can spend time with your pet on the moving day. It would be better if the person is someone your pet already knows. It can reduce stress for your pets and can easily adapt to new surroundings with less trouble.

Give Your Dog a Long Walk

We all know how dogs like to have long walks with their owner. If it’s possible, you can take them for a long walk and lower their energy levels. It will help your dog to rest naturally during the journey and you will deal less with their tantrums. You can also take time at your place and take them for a walk so that they are familiarised with the new place.

Ensure That Your Pet Has a Collar and is Microchipped

With so many things that are going on during the move, your pet might find a way to slip from your radar. It can be hard for you to find your pet, especially in your new place.

So always ensure that your pet has a collar and a tag. If possible make sure the pet is microchipped so that you can track its location and movement. It will be handy in your new place and you can worry less about your pet’s sudden movements.

Have Quick Access to Your Pet Food

To meet the needs of your pets like food and water, make sure you have quick access to your pet food, water bowls and so on. It will not only help you give food quickly, but your pets also get less stressed as the food and water bowls are familiar to them.

Set Up The Space For Your Pet at The New Home Immediately

Before you unpack other things, make sure to set up the space for your pet at your home. Place the bed, the toys, and other things and arrange them just like they were in the old place. Your pet will adjust quickly to the new surroundings and give you less hassle.

House movers will take care of moving your furniture, belongings and everything you have in your old home to the new place. You need to take care of your family and pets during this stressful time.

If necessary book any flights in advance and take care of any paperwork that you need from your vet for travelling. Make sure to give your attention as much as possible so that they feel safe and secure when you move houses.