5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Pursuing a Career in Child Care

Pursuing a Career in Child Care

Are you interested in pursuing a career in child care in Australia? Do you enjoy educating and teaching children? Are you a parent looking for a way to supplement your income while caring for your child? Or do you simply want to play a key role in the development of the future generation's skills and abilities? Whatever your motivation may be, the prospect of a new job fills you with excitement and happiness. 

If you love children and are looking for a job that gives you flexibility and stability in your career, then pursuing a career in child care is best for you. Many people are unaware of the potential a career in child care has. Take the next step towards determining if this is the right career path for you. 

The following five reasons will solidify your decision to pursue a career in child care:

  1. Rewarding
    As a child care professional, you have a huge impact on the lives of young children! The first five years of a child's life are critical for their cognitive and emotional development, and they'll likely spend a lot of that time with you. That means you can encourage their enthusiasm for studying while also assisting children in the development of crucial social skills. That means you may get creative to instil a profound love of learning and interacting right from the start. Educators can have a direct impact on a child's emotional well-being by providing an opportunity for them to develop social skills through friendships and secure interactions.

  2. Job Security
    In Australia, the childhood education and care industry are booming. And pursuing a career in the same field can give you an advantage over late bloomers. So, what’s the main reason behind its growth? In some aspects, changes in educator-to-child ratios are to blame; nonetheless, there is now an increase in the number of children accessing children's services. Early childhood education is, in fact, one of the most in-demand careers. The Department of Employment's Job Outlook project anticipates that the industry's significant growth will continue for at least the next five years. Furthermore, according to statistics, the demand for childcare employees in Australia is expected to increase by 7% between 2016 and 2026!

  3. Opportunities for Career/Growth
    The early childhood business has a wide range of professional roles, so there's always a potential for you to grow and push yourself. You can also tailor your career to your personal interests, ambitions and way of life. You can either choose to work in long daycare, kindergartens and preschools, family daycare, etc.  Some jobs require working directly with children, such as instructors, while others require working indirectly with children, such as centre managers who oversee the centre’s day-to-day operations. You could work in centre support roles like area or operations management, administrative, consulting, early childhood training or quality and compliance monitoring.

  4. Flexibility
    Many people choose child care as a job because it allows them to work on flexible hours and maintain a work-life balance. This enables individuals to work full-time, part-time or on a casual basis. According to Job Outlook, more than 51% of child care providers work part-time or on a casual basis. As a parent, this is an excellent career choice because you will be able to work part-time and yet have enough time to care for your children after work. And just like cyber security courses, you can complete a degree in child care for earning the credential of a child care expert. 

  5. Government Incentives 
    Thanks to government assistance, many qualified Australians can get their childcare certificate for free or for as little as $1 to $2 for each unit! The CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care and the CHC50113 Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care are two courses offered as part of these programmes. So, even if you are thinking of pursuing this career on a part-time basis, you still can without thinking about any financial burden. This is a bonus for those parents who want to earn an additional income without affecting their personal life.

Are you feeling inspired? Do you believe you have what it takes to work as a child care professional right now? Start your career by pursuing these child care courses, which are geared to help you get a job in this field.