Benefits of Having a Smart Irrigation Controller


Irrigation Controller

We all love beautiful landscapes and wish to have a lush green backyard lawn to relax with friends and family. But, as easy might it sound, once your dream project is complete, you’ve to deal with the major problem of maintaining the same.

Earlier, it was a tough job to follow a schedule to water all the vegetation in our backyard, but the irrigation controller changed the whole dynamics. This simple yet effective irrigation tool made watering our vegetation easier, especially grass.

On top of that, this simple yet effective piece of technology has become smarter by integrating smart technology. This simple change is making the life of people much easier as you can control the whole irrigation system, such as irrigation valves, control valves, pneumatic valves, etc.

This smart controller helps us to the water plant in a controlled manner, where you have the freedom of adjusting the timer according to plant type and weather. As compared to an older version of irrigation controllers, smart ones are proving their worth. 

Smart controllers can help you to prevent water wastage and can provide weather alerts to change the settings. Now, let us discuss the six underlying benefits of smart irrigation controllers:

  1. Reduces Water Wastage
    One of the biggest concerns for any lawn owner is to avoid any water wastage. And smart irrigation controller helps by adjusting the settings according to daily weather conditions, plant type and soil type. The best part about smart devices is that you can control them via your smartphone. Also, these smart irrigation controllers can identify leaks in the irrigation valves. And these small controls over your irrigation system can save a lot of water as 70% of water is used for irrigation. It is a huge amount whether it’s for residential or commercial purposes. 

  2. Enhances Landscape Beauty
    People are sceptical about overusing a smart irrigation controller because they fear that it will affect the quality of the landscape and deprive their plants of water. But what they fail to factor in is the very fact that overwatering does more damage than creating a controlled watering system. This small change can make your lush green lawns maintain their sheen throughout the year. Having a controller of watering each plant according to their needs helps them to thrive. Few controllers can also adjust themselves according to soil type, and that can really help your landscape.

  3. Environmental Impact
    At present, some countries are paying for water than electricity. The constant growth of water rates is the result of high operation costs. When you compare it with other utility costs, you’ll understand the impact of water on your bills. And these costs will keep on increasing as infrastructure improvements for water treatment will never stop. In such a scenario, a smart irrigation controller can turn out to be a game-changer. It can help you to reduce your water costs and help the planet by reducing water wastage due to overwatering.

  4. Helps in Reducing Hardscape Loss
    A beautiful landscape is a compilation of plants and hardscapes that provides a complete look. Hardscapes are nothing but the non-living parts of any landscape, such as rock, patios, etc. And as you all know, building and maintaining them is a costly affair. Overwatering can lead to cracking and erosion of hardscapes that can lead to costly replacement and maintenance. By installing an irrigation controller, you can avoid such damages to your sidewalk and pavement. Also, in the process, you are saving water and that is a win-win situation for all.

  5. Helps in Avoiding Fines
    As water is a scarce resource and having a beautiful landscape is a luxury, the government are stringent when it comes to placing laws for water usage. For an average homeowner, there are laws placed to restrict the over usage of water. Anyone exceeding such limits has to pay fines. Now, by placing a smart irrigation controller, you can adhere to such restrictions. It helps you to enjoy your landscape without worrying about any fines.

  6. Maintains Soil Nutrient Balance
    Overwatering can lead to soil degradation, and as a result, your plants are deprived of nutrients. With an automated irrigation system in place, you can control the amount of water according to soil type. Thus, it keeps the soil integrity intact for the plants to thrive. An irrigation controller can also prevent soil from becoming heavy and compacted. As this scenario is not good for plants, controllers keep it in check.


Smart irrigation controllers are the key to saving water and maintaining a beautiful landscape. And such controlling devices make irrigation valves, control valveair cylinders, etc., work at their optimum levels that save you a lot of money in the long run. So, what are you waiting for? Get it installed and enjoy a beautiful landscape.