Benefits of Using a VSD Pump Control



When owning a pump, the three main costs that you should consider are energy consumption, initial cost and maintenance. Therefore, reducing the amount of money that you are going to spend on these three is essential. The easiest way to achieve saving money with your pump is to reduce its energy consumption. A variable speed drive (VSD) pump control can be your best option to accomplish energy saving. 

VSD will help you to limit the lifecycle costs of your pumping station. It’ll not only help you to reduce energy utilization, but also will have other many benefits. In this article, we will discuss the beneficial impacts that a VSD motor control will have on your pump. 

  1. Energy saving
    As said before, VSDs will help you to significantly reduce the amount of energy that your pump consumes. When pumps are used with the variable flow or pressure requirements, they will always work at their maximum duty requirements. The pump will continue working at its maximum, even though the demands are lower. Therefore, it will keep consuming energy that is not needed and will be working inefficiently. 

    A VSD pump control will reduce the power used when the demands decrease. It will ensure that the pump operates at the proper range. Hence, it will save you energy and costs.

  2. Low maintenance
    A VSD control will help you to reduce maintenance and reparations. Reparations due to the water hammer effect are common when you have fast changes in the flow. VSDs will allow you to ramp the acceleration gently to avoid hammering. Hence, you will prevent reparations on your pipes and valves due to this phenomenon. 

    In general, the VSD will prevent any damage that can be caused due to the fluctuation of flow and pressure. You’ll increase the operating lifespan of your pump, and you’ll avoid that its components wear out rapidly.  

  3. Reduce stress in electrical supply
    The stress that happens in the electrical supply every time the pump is started is high. When you’re not using an industrial motor control, as soon as you start the pump, it will start working at its maximum demand. Therefore, the peak current will be high with the direct start-up.

    On the other hand, VSDs will allow you to start the pump motor softly. That way, the peak current will be lower.

Other Benefits Of VSDs:

  • Reasonable investment costs: Purchasing a VSD is cheaper than you might think. This type of technology has developed quickly in the past decade. The costs of VSDs have fallen a lot in recent years. As said before, it will help you to save money; hence, its cost-benefit relation will be worth it.

  • Remote monitoring: Drives are simple to access via the internet. This will be helpful for you because you’ll be able to monitor the performance of your pump remotely. The only thing that you’ll need is a computer with the internet. That way, you can do remote monitoring, configurations, diagnostic, etc.

Last Thoughts:

Whenever you’re choosing the right VSD for your pumping system, you should consider some factors. The user interface, the climate and weather conditions the equipment will be exposed to, etc. Talk with a professional that knows about the topic, they can give you further assistance with these considerations. For example, some VSDs have some safety functionalities that might apply to your specific case.

Remember to always check reviews from other users, warranty, quality of the product and customer support. The market has plenty of options to offer you for VSDs, make sure to choose the right one for you. Do your research, keep in mind your pump needs and get ready to have the most efficient pump installation.