Signs You May Benefit From Relationship/Marriage Counselling


Marriage Counselling Melbourne

Noticing the signs of an unhealthy marriage will benefit you in going through couple’s therapy. It helps save your marriage and create a deeper bond with your partner. 

It also saves you from destructive behaviour and stops you from making rash decisions that will greatly affect your future.

Marriage counselling is helpful if you don’t want to create chaos in your life and children’s lives. It can help you overcome the challenges you are currently having and help you be happy when you spend time with your partner and children.

So, if you are wondering whether you need a couple’s therapy or not, the following signs will help you gain clarity:

  • Lack of intimacy and connection
    Intimacy in any form, mental, emotional and physical, is important between the partners. You should be free to express your views without feeling hesitation or getting riled up.

    Particularly, if you lack physical intimacy and find it hard to open up, it can cause you frustration, loneliness, and tension. In a couple’s therapy session, you can express your view in a safe and supportive environment and the therapist will guide you to solve your issues.

    They suggest you do some exercises like breathing exercises, staring at one another, hugging for a long time, sleeping without clothes, avoiding phones before sleep and active listening to help you connect with your partner on a deeper level.

  • There’s always conflict
    If you and your partner are always in a conflict even for the simplest of things, then it could be a sign to take help from a couple’s therapy. Frequent and intense arguments between the two of you will strain your marriage and make you grow apart from each other.

    Resolving the issues by understanding the root cause is essential to save your marriage. A couple’s therapist will help you identify the root causes and suggest therapy techniques to navigate your issues healthily.

  • You’re going through an important phase in life
    Important life phases in a marriage like having a baby, moving to a new place and losing a job will put stress on your married life and damage your relationship.

    Experiences or situations that are negatively affecting your marriage life mean you need to go to a couple’s therapy.

    In the sessions, you will understand the techniques to handle the stress during life challenges so that you manage your life and communicate better with your partner.

  • Constant trust issues
    Trust is the foundation for any relationship and it’s particularly important for a couple so that you live happily forever. However, you may begin to lose trust if there is infidelity, abuse and substance use. A therapist will help you address these issues and help you to build trust and respect towards your partner.

  • Communication issues
    You can strengthen any relationship if you are having an open and deep conversation with the other party. It’s especially essential in a marriage as two people decide to live with each other under a single roof. If you are not communicating well with your partner, it can lead to resentment, misunderstandings, and tension.

    It's also helpful when your conversation is quickly turning into an argument. A therapist will suggest ways to communicate more healthily with your partner to deepen the bond. A couple’s therapy is also helpful for those who have different types of communication styles.

  • Unresolved past issues
    To move forward in your marriage, you should resolve any conflict without postponing or ignoring it. You should see that there are no unresolved past issues so that you can take your relationship forward. In a couple’s therapy session, you have a structured and supportive environment to address the past wounds and start a healing procedure. It lets you understand your partner’s perception so that you can both move toward a resolution.

Final Thoughts

You step into a marriage to spend your lifetime with your partner. However, due to situations and life changes, you may begin to drift apart from your partner, unknowingly putting a strain on the relationship. By identifying the issues and undergoing couple’s therapy, you can bring back the lost happiness, trust, love and caring in your relationship and make your marriage a successful one.