Top 5 Modern Home Design Trends for Studio Apartments


Modern Home Design Mount Eliza

Studio apartments are the affordable choice of living for bachelors and first-time earners. Just because they are studio apartments that are small in size, it doesn’t mean you can’t make them modern and space-efficient. With the latest modern home design trends in Mount Eliza that are mentioned below, you can convert your studio apartment into an enviable personal space.

  1. Create a separate space for the bedroom using dividers
    A studio apartment would not have to be one single large room. You can create rooms using dividers or curtains if you are looking for a more affordable choice. For instance, as you want the bedroom to be a private space, you can put separators so that it isolates from the rest of the apartment.

    As separators, you can try curtains, some tables, glasses, or a cabinet. It may not be completely private but gives an illusion of it and you can feel it whenever you enter your home.

  2. Use two different painting colours to create a division
    Colouring the whole apartment with a single colour may not be the best if you want to modernise your space. You can create the illusion of double rooms by painting in two different colours, both ceiling and walls. 

    It creates an imaginary border that you can arrange in a way that will seem like two different rooms. It’s one of the tricks that people use during a house extension in Mount Eliza and you can do it for your studio apartment too.

  3. Mount your bed and use the space below

    New Home Design Mount Eliza

    A great way to increase the space in your apartment is by mounting your bed. It’s not only a space-efficient idea but also modernises your apartment as you have more space to decorate.

    Invest a little to mount your bed and add stairs to it for climbing. Use the below of the bed to keep seating arrangements like a computer table, sofa, recliner, stools, etc. You can also put a bookshelf and make it your reading spot in your apartment.

  4. Minimalistic designs always win – leave empty space
    If your studio apartment is small, then you can make it appear big by using modern design trends like minimalistic designs. Arrange the bed, sofa, and tables on one side of the apartment and leave the other half empty. This is one of the best ways to make your space bigger and spacious. You can also have the cooking space on one end of the apartment and keep it cosy so that you have enough room to walk around.

  5. Use mirrored surfaces or add more mirrors
    Mirrors are always the ideal decorative items to not only make your home modern but also spacious. Using reflective surface materials and mirrors makes your space modern, sleek and stylish. It especially looks great if you create a partition for the living room and use mirrors to decorate the space. It creates a division and also looks wonderful as your little cosy space in your apartment.

These are only some of the modern home designs in Mount Eliza that look amazing if you have a studio apartment. You can also use your imagination to make the apartment more personal, cosier, and livelier.