What do Collagen Supplements do?


Collagen Drink

For some time now, collagen has become the food supplement par excellence, but do you know what benefits it brings?

What is collagen?

Collagen is a protein naturally secreted by our body, exactly by fibroblasts (cells found in connective tissue), and the most abundant component of the skin - up to 70% - and bones.

To give you an idea, it accounts for between 25% and 30% of the body's total protein mass, and 80% of the total connective tissue (a kind of cellular glue).

When and why do their levels drop?

Some experts set the age at 25 and others do it at 30 years. And some say that from the age of 40 this decrease is up to 1% per year, and at 70 we have already lost up to 30%. The truth is that, over time, the body reduces the production of collagen. The main causes of?

Free radicals: those unstable molecules that alter the DNA of our cells and that are caused by exposure to the sun, tobacco and alcohol, pollution or excessive exercise deplete our collagen reserves.

A diet rich in simple sugars and poor in protein, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids can reduce collagen levels in the body.

Lack of restful sleep: it also has an influence, since the formation of collagen occurs precisely while we sleep –protein synthesis-.

Hormonal changes: particularly during menopause, it produces a loss of lipids (fat), water and collagen. This translates into thinner and drier skin, less flexible and elastic.

Stress: when we experience episodes of stress we release a hormone called cortisol. Well, a high blood release of this will cause us to lose ten times more collagen than normal.

What is collagen for?

Skin Rejuvenation

It accounts for 70% of the composition of the dermis and 4% of elastin. And its main function is to provide firmness, support and elasticity to the skin. It combats the formation of stretch marks and reduces flaccidity in the areas most affected by it, such as the arms, abdomen and legs.

Improves bone density and bone strength

Why? Because it seems, that collagen drink helps to fix calcium in the bones in addition to inhibiting bone decomposition, which is what ends up producing osteoporosis.

Tendons, ligaments, cartilage and joints

Provides firmness, support and elasticity to tendons, ligaments, cartilage and joints. It acts as a kind of lubricant for cartilage and ligaments and thus manages to protect them from mechanical friction.

Some studies even claim that it helps improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis and reduces joint pain in general.

Helps keep muscles flexible

Keep in mind that between 1% and 10% of muscle tissue is made up of collagen.

What's more, it preserves and even increases muscle mass, and acts as a powerful relaxant, helping to reduce cramps and contractures after training and to prevent sports injuries (strains and tendonitis).

Collagen improves the appearance of hair

Some celebrities have confessed to taking collagen supplements to go from hair to hair.

How does it work? It helps the hair follicles (hair roots) to be well fixed on the scalp, preventing their fall and contributing to their growth.

Strengthens the nails

Correct levels of collagen make your nails grow normally and do not break easily.

How to know that you lack collagen?

It is not easy to know if your collagen levels are adequate, although there are professional machines capable of detecting your levels at the skin level. Now, some symptoms can make you suspicious:

  • The skin becomes finer, and expression lines, wrinkles and sagging appear.
  • Hair grows slowly and becomes fine and weak.
  • Nails grow slowly and break.
  • Your bones and joints ache.
  • In general, you feel less flexible and elastic.

And if you are an athlete, you notice that it is more difficult for you to reach previously affordable goals. Protein powders are also becoming increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders and other types of athletes. Here is the list you should know about protein powder.

You will be thinking that the fastest way is that of food. However, our diet is poor in collagen. In addition, the more natural alternatives that exist, such as natural meat and fish broths, pig's trotters or tripe and animal gelatin desserts, instead have a high fat or sugar content.