5 Ways to Clear Blocked Drains


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We all know how hard a clogged toilet, sink or shower drain can be to clear. Therefore, we have come up with this article. Instead of calling a 24-hour plumber, you can try these methods first to clear your blocked drains.  

You can easily DIY each and every one of the following options. Find which one would be the best solution for your clogged drain and go for it. If everything fails, then you can call a professional that knows how to take care of the problem.

  1. Boiling water
    Hot water will work perfectly to unclog any drain that is blocked by soap scum or grease. If you have metal or ceramic pipes, then hot water would be a nice try. However, boiling water can melt PVC pipes, and if that happens, you’ll have to call an emergency plumber immediately. So, if you’re not sure of which material your pipes are made from, then don’t try this idea.

    Pour boiling or warm water on the clogged drain and wait until it has completely cleared. Turn on the faucet to check if the water drains as it should do regularly. Repeat the process if needed. But, if it doesn’t work after two or three attempts, try another option.

  2. Baking soda and vinegar
    Of course, you’re familiar with this mixture and its reaction. It’s commonly used in volcano’s school projects. Baking soda and vinegar are ideal to remove rust or any build-up, like food or grease, that is clogging your drain. Using this mixture would be like purchasing a drain cleaner in the store, but the cheaper one. 

    To do it, you’ll need to pour one cup of baking soda into the drain. After that, proceed (carefully) to pour two cups of boiling water and let it drain. And wait a few minutes. After that, baking soda would be needed again; pour one cup and then immediately pour one cup of white vinegar. The chemical reaction will begin, so you’ll need to plug the drain and wait until the bubbles recede to pour again two cups of boiling water, and that would be it.

  3. Plunger
    Using a plunger is an old reliable one that will get rid easily of any type of clogged drain. Still, you’ll need different types of plungers for distinct types of drains; for instance, a plunger for a small drain would be different from the one used for toilets. This device works very well with solid build-ups that need to be displaced from where they are. Plungers are cheap, you can find them in any store, and you can use them over and over again.

    The mechanism of a plunger is truly simple, it will create a seal around the drain and will compress the air causing pressure. This change of pressure and suction created by the plunger would be the one in charge of dislodging any build-up inside the drain. If the block doesn’t yield the first time, then try again; if after several efforts it doesn’t work, then change the method. 

  4. Clean the P-trap
    If your sink is the one that is giving you trouble, try fixing the blockage by checking the P-trap. This trap is used to create an airlock that will prevent bad odours from coming into your house. Unscrew the P-trap and clean the debris and build-up that’s blocking the drain. 

    Make sure to put a bucket below the pipe whenever you’re going to unscrew it to catch the water inside the P-trap. Use a wire brush or a toothbrush to clean it thoroughly before putting it back where it belongs.

  5. Drain snake
    Professional plumbers are employed to get rid of light blockages. However, you can purchase it in your local hardware store and use it. Insert the drain snake into the drain. Thanks to its rotating coil at the end of the cable, the built-up material will break! But be careful when using this tool; if you use excessive force on it, you can end up damaging your pipes.

    Mixing this tool with boiling water or baking soda and vinegar is a must. While the plumber’s snake will physically break the blockage, the liquid will dissolve any remaining material. That way, you can assure that your drain is completely unclogged and it will last a long time. 

It’s tricky to know how well your pipes and drains are doing because you can’t see them. Hence, you need to call a professional once a year to give maintenance to them. And we are talking about every type of pipe that your house has. Don’t forget to call a roof plumber to check that your gutter and downpipes are working as they should. 

Don’t wait to call a professional when problems have already shown up because it can be too late and the bill will be expensive due to repairs. Remember, prevention would be your best friend to keep your home well-cared.