5 Items That Will Improve Your Garage


Car Park Storage Gold Coast

Commonly, people use their garages to store stuff without organizing it, and that can turn your garage into a dangerous spot. Not only for having items all around the space but also because it can become the perfect home for unwanted visitors (spiders, snakes, etc). Having a more organized and functional garage will be a good improvement. 

There are simple solutions that will upgrade your garage, like purchasing a car park storage in Gold Coast. Keep reading while we go through five things that will make your garage a place where you feel comfortable.

  1. Lights
    This is the first thing that you’ll need to improve your garage. But we are not talking about a single bulb that won’t allow you to see every corner of this place. We are talking about having enough light in it. That way, you won’t be stepping into stuff that can cause accidents. Or even worse, you can end up breaking a beloved item of your kids. 

    Using LED lights would be a very good thing to do. They use less energy, and they light even more than regular bulbs. You will be seeing properly what you’re doing, and it will let you search for things that you have stored.

  2. Wall Storage
    It is even better to have car park storage rather than conventional wall storage spaces. The best would be to choose an over bonnet storage shelf to make the most of the space. This will allow you to put your car at the bottom of the garage without worrying about hitting any box. A bonnet storage shelf will let you store more stuff than a conventional shelf.

    If you’re the kind of person that uses your garage as a warehouse, then this type of shelf will be perfect for you. Another good thing would be to get some transparent plastic containers. That way, you'll be able to look at what is on the boxes from the distance. Try to put labels in every container so you can know what is inside easier.

  3. Rubber Wheel Stops
    Let’s face it, not all of us are careful when parking our cars in the garage. Hitting the wall and scratching the front bumper is common when we are in a hurry or distracted. Purchasing these wheel stops and installing them will be a simple solution to this issue. That way, you can forget about small accidents while trying to park your car.

    This is a good option also for elderly people that still drive. Sometimes vision gets decreased with the pass of the years. And that will be an excellent way to help them. If you have someone in your family with vision problems, and you want to go one step ahead, then do this. Add a tactile ground surface indicator that will lead the way from the car to the indoors. That way he/she can avoid colliding with your items while going out of the car.

  4. Hooks And Brackets
    We all use the garage to store tools. Using hook and brackets will allow you to have a more organized space. That way, you can have all your tools there without taking a lot of space. Also, it will be harder to lose any equipment if you have a spot for every single tool that you have.

    Taking advantage of the space in your walls will be a success. Things will be out of your way and you’ll see them (and find them) easily.

  5. Shelves
    Besides purchasing your car park storage in Gold Coast, you should be using regular shelves too. Remember that making the most of the space available is important. Just try to not overload the shelves to avoid any incidents. Things can fall if you don’t store them properly.

    Remember that putting things in cardboard boxes will make you forget what is stored there. As said before, always use transparent ones and labels. Don't make your life harder; if there are items that can make your tasks easier, then use them.

Don’t Forget Deep Cleaning

Thorough cleaning your garage once a year will help you to get rid of unnecessary things. If you haven’t used items in one year or two, then you would probably never use them again. So instead of keeping them stored, just throw them away. Deep cleaning can also be helpful to avoid unwanted visitors (cockroaches, spiders, etc) getting inside your stored stuff.