How to Choose a Home Builder


home builder

If you’re looking to build your home, then you need the right builder for the job. Not any home builder will do. You want one who is qualified and skilled to make your dream home a reality. They also should do good-quality work and be affordable. You don’t want any unnecessary stress during this already stressful time.

  • Decide what you want

    Before you can even start looking at builders, you need to have an idea of what you would like them to build. You don’t need to have a detailed plan, rather you should have some ideas in mind that you can discuss with the builder.

    It can be helpful to have images and photos of what you would like. This can help ensure that you and the builder will be on the same page.

    As you consider the kind of home you would like, think about the following things. How big is the property and how big do you want the house to be? Are there certain features you want, like a bath or swimming pool?

    Most importantly, you need to have a budget decided. This can give you some helpful boundaries when it comes to designing your home.

  • Talk with friends and family

    Begin your search for a quality builder by talking with friends and family in the area about who they have used for home building projects. This could include new home builds but also renovations or restorations.

    Ask your friends and family if they would recommend the builders they used and what they liked about the service. They may also have suggestions for which builders to avoid.

  • Research local builders

    Take the time to research builders in your area to make sure you get a good idea of what is available. An easy way is to visit local display villages. The great thing about these is that you can see first-hand the quality of the builder’s work. You can also see what styles they are comfortable working in.

    Along with visiting local display villages, you can also do online research. Look at their reviews and ratings, preferably not just on their website. See if you can find any criticism or complaints, as well as praise, to ensure that you get a well-rounded idea of what they’re like.

    As you look, see how they compare with what you want. Will they be able to meet your budget? Are they experienced in the style of home you’re looking at?

  • Work through your list

    Once you have a list of potential builders ready, you can start paring it back.

    The first thing to check is whether the builder is licensed. Your builder needs to be licensed to ensure that your new home will meet government standards and regulations. A licensed builder must follow these rules and your home will be all the safer for it.

    Next, check if the builder is insured and if they offer a warranty on their work. Insurance and warranties are a good idea as they help protect you against potential future problems that are a result of mistakes made during the building process.

    Finally, check if there have been any issues of misconduct. In Victoria, you can find this out by looking at the Victorian Building Authority’s disciplinary register. This can help you eliminate builders who have previously provided poor services from your list.

  • Ask about deadlines, communication, price

    Now you can start speaking with potential builders. Important things to ask include their deadlines and schedules, and their quotes. How they provide you with this information will also give you an idea about how well they communicate. You want someone who is quick to respond and explains things clearly, so you aren’t left wondering what you’re paying for.

    In terms of deadlines and schedules, ask if they have availability for your project. If they do, find out what they expect the deadline to be.

    Ask for a quote as well. This will be a rough quote but should still give you an idea of what you’re paying for.

    When comparing quotes from builders, remember that the cheapest isn’t always best. Use the quotes you’ve received to determine the average price to give you a good idea of what the work will cost. You can then see which one gets you the best deal.

  • Quality of work

    Before you consider hiring any builder, you need to see samples of their work. This allows you to see if they are the right person for your project. They may be able to supply you with images of previous builds, and even direct you to current in-progress builds. Read our other article on "Benefits of a custom home design"

    Assess the quality of their work. If you don’t think it is suitable, do not go with that builder.

    Finding the right builder can be difficult and take a lot of time and effort, but the results are well worth it. You will have a dream home you’ll love.